Korean Peninsula threatened by escalating tensions

Korean Peninsula threatened by escalating tensions

(VOVworld) – North Korea recently continued testing its submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), which fell inside Japan’s Air Defense Identification Zone over the Sea of Japan. This was Pyongyang’s third missile launch since...
RoK, US pick location for deploying THAAD

RoK, US pick location for deploying THAAD

(VOVworld) – The Republic of Korea and the US have decided to deploy a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system in the southern region of Seongju, North Gyeongsang Province, 296...
Tension intensifies on the Korean peninsula

Tension intensifies on the Korean peninsula

(VOVworld) – The relationship between the two Koreas is tense, following South Korea used loudspeakers to blare anti-North Korea rhetoric across the border in retaliation for North Korea planting land mines in...
Korean language course for Vietnamese brides

Korean language course for Vietnamese brides

(VOV) - The Vietnamese Embassy in the Republic of Korea in coordination with the Vietnamese People Association (VPA) opened a course on Korean language and culture for Vietnamese brides in Gyeonggi...