Party chief begins state visit to Cuba

Party chief begins state visit to Cuba

(VOVWORLD) - General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong and a high-level Vietnamese delegation arrived in Havana on Wednesday, to begin a state...
US Embassy in Cuba to sustain minimum staff

US Embassy in Cuba to sustain minimum staff

(VOVWORLD) - The US said on Friday it was making permanent its decision last year to slash staffing at its Havana embassy by around two-thirds because the alleged health incidents...
EU: Blockade of Cuba is not a solution

EU: Blockade of Cuba is not a solution

(VOVWORLD) - Blockading Cuba is not the solution, EU's foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said Wednesday on a 2-day trip aimed to strengthen ties with Havana
Cuba holds local elections

Cuba holds local elections

(VOVWORLD) -Millions of Cuban voters participated in local elections on Sunday, the first step in the process of selecting a successor to President Raul Castro
US expels 15 Cuban diplomats

US expels 15 Cuban diplomats

(VOVWORLD) - The Trump administration on Tuesday expelled 15 Cuban diplomats from Washington after a string of health incidents affected 22 US diplomats in Havana
Vietnam opposes sovereignty violation activities

Vietnam opposes sovereignty violation activities

(VOVworld) – Vietnam resolutely protests against China’s recent moves in Hoang Sa (Paracel) archipelago which violate Vietnam’s sovereignty over Hoang Sa and complicate the situation in the East Sea
Asia-Pacific economy’s firm growth

Asia-Pacific economy’s firm growth

(VOVworld) – The 2017 Asian Economy Forward-Looking Indicator shows positive signals for the Asia-Pacific economy. The survey was conducted by the BFA, SAIC-GM, Cadillac and Caijing magazine