NA Chairwoman meets Chinese and Australian Ambassadors

NA Chairwoman meets Chinese and Australian Ambassadors

(VOVworld) – National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan hosted a reception in Hanoi on Tuesday for Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Hong Xiaoyong, calling for further bilateral cooperation in inter-parliamentary...
Australia helps Viet Nam promote vocational training

Australia helps Viet Nam promote vocational training

(VOVworld) – Australia attaches importance to its cooperation with Vietnam in developing human resources, the Australian Ambassador to Vietnam, Hugh Borrowman, said at a roundtable discussion on developing vocational skills which...
PM receives Australian Ambassador

PM receives Australian Ambassador

(VOVworld) - Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung says he hopes that Australian Ambassador Hugh Borrowman will work closely with Vietnam’s relevant agencies to implement effectively agreements signed by the two countries’ senior leaders,...