Iran to allow IAEA access to 2 nuclear sites

Iran to allow IAEA access to 2 nuclear sites

(VOVWORLD) - The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said Wednesday that it has reached an agreement with Iran to allow IAEA inspectors access to 2 Iranian nuclear facilities
IAEA confirms Iran enriching at Fordow

IAEA confirms Iran enriching at Fordow

(VOVWORLD) -Iran has begun enriching uranium at its underground Fordow site in the latest breach of its deal with major powers, the UN nuclear watchdog confirmed on Monday, adding that...
Iran’s uranium enrichment: IAEA updates

Iran’s uranium enrichment: IAEA updates

(VOVWORLD) - Iran has gone further in breaching its nuclear deal with world powers, increasing its stock of enriched uranium and refining it to a greater purity than allowed, the UN...
IAEA urges dialogue amid escalating tensions with Iran

IAEA urges dialogue amid escalating tensions with Iran

(VOVWORLD) - IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano said Monday he is worried about increasing tensions over Iran after Tehran threatened to abandon some of the restrictions on its nuclear activities imposed by the Joint...
Jarai people’s Pran mat craft

Jarai people’s Pran mat craft

(VOVWORLD) - The Jarai people in Gia Lai province have maintained many traditional handicrafts, such as weaving brocade fabric and making musical instruments, bamboo papooses, and pineapple-leaf mats. In recent...