Eurozone Suspends Short-Term Debt Relief for Greece

Eurozone Suspends Short-Term Debt Relief for Greece

(VOVworld)- Greece’s European creditors suspended proposed debt-relief measures for the country after the Greek government surprised them by announcing it would boost welfare benefits for low-income pensioners,...
Italy prior to a referendum

Italy prior to a referendum

(VOVworld) – Italian people will vote for or against constitutional reforms on Sunday. The referendum result will impact Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s political career and Italy’s political stability
Eurozone says no more debt relief for Greece

Eurozone says no more debt relief for Greece

(VOVworld) – The Eurogroup head, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, and German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble warned on Monday that it would be impossible to draw up fresh debt relief for Greece before the...
IMF: Global debt breaks record

IMF: Global debt breaks record

(VOVworld) - Worldwide public and private debt is at record 152 trillion USD, posing a substantial impediment to getting global economic growth back to normal, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said...
China’s increased role in global trade

China’s increased role in global trade

(VOVworld) – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has officially added the Chinese currency, the renminbi, to the organization’s Special Drawing Right (SDR) basket. This move acknowledges China’s important role in the...
IMF cuts global growth forecasts

IMF cuts global growth forecasts

(VOVWorld) - On Tuesday, The International Monetary Fund (IMF) cut its forecasts for global economic growth this year and next year because of the UK's vote to leave the UK
IMF says Brexit unlikely to cause global recession

IMF says Brexit unlikely to cause global recession

(VOVworld) – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde said Thursday that Britain's vote to quit the EU (Brexit) has injected significant uncertainty into the global economy, but...
US-China strategic and economic dialogue concluded

US-China strategic and economic dialogue concluded

(VOVworld) – The eighth round of the US-China strategic and economic dialogue finished on Tuesday in Beijing. Officials from both sides acknowledged disagreements on an array of issues, but they repeatedly...