WFP warns of famine in the Gaza Strip

WFP warns of famine in the Gaza Strip

(VOVWORLD) - The Gaza Strip could surpass famine thresholds of food insecurity, malnutrition, and mortality in six weeks, an official from the World Food Programme said on Wednesday
Sudan humanitarian crisis may worsen: UN

Sudan humanitarian crisis may worsen: UN

(VOVWORLD) - The United Nations on Friday warned that the humanitarian crisis triggered by the conflict in Sudan could worsen dramatically in the coming months, tipping some regions into famine
Pessimistic predictions for the world in 2024

Pessimistic predictions for the world in 2024

(VOVWORLD) - In the first days of 2024, the world received some negative forecasts for security, climate change, and economic growth. These predictions reflect the lingering impact of recent global disruptions
Top 10 world events in 2023 selected by VOV

Top 10 world events in 2023 selected by VOV

(VOVWORLD) - Conflicts in many parts of the world, a gloomy global economy, the improved role of developing countries, and AI’s gigantic development are among the top ten world events...
UN warns of bleak global humanitarian situation

UN warns of bleak global humanitarian situation

(VOVWORLD) - The United Nations said that the global humanitarian situation will worsen as conflicts and climate change make communities more vulnerable and UN agencies’ operational budgets shrink
Soil and water – Asia-Pacific’s bread and butter

Soil and water – Asia-Pacific’s bread and butter

(VOVWORLD) - In December 2013, the UN General Assembly designated December 5, 2014 as the first official World Soil Day as a means to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and advocating for the sustainable management...
Building a new, sustainable global food network

Building a new, sustainable global food network

(VOVWORLD) - The Global Food Security Summit in London on Monday focused on international efforts to apply technology and connect innovative ideas on agriculture to build a new, more sustainable global...