UN concerned over insecurity in Latin America

UN concerned over insecurity in Latin America

(VOVworld) – The UN Development Program (UNDP) has released its report on the security situation in Latin American countries, saying that the region remains one of the most troublesome spots in terms...
ASEM 9: golden opportunities for cooperation

ASEM 9: golden opportunities for cooperation

(VOVworld) – The ninth Asia – Europe Meeting (ASEM) in Vientiane took place with the world reeling from economic crisis, troubling climate change, food insecurity, and exploding religious conflicts. Consequently, the conference sought cooperation and...
European economy and corollaries of public debt

European economy and corollaries of public debt

(VOVworld) – Demonstrations in Spain and Portugal are spreading and likely to become riots in protest of government measures to raise taxes and cut spending as conditions of an international bailout. Following the...