Wednesday December 27, 2017

Wednesday December 27, 2017

(VOVWORLD) - Thank you all for sending us warm wishes for Christmas and the New Year 2018. In recent years we have received more e-cards than postcards. It’s obvious...
Tale of Kieu in Romanian language

Tale of Kieu in Romanian language

(VOVworld)- A Romanian version of the great epic poem by poet Nguyen Du (1766–1820) has just been handed as a gift to the Nguyen Du Memorial Centre in the...
PCA’s historic East Sea ruling

PCA’s historic East Sea ruling

(VOVworld) – On July 12 the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague announced its ruling in the Philippines case against China’s nine-dash line claims of historical rights in...
Bread Master Class by Chef Christophe Grilo

Bread Master Class by Chef Christophe Grilo

(VOVworld) – Secrets of French bread-making and techniques to make some well-known French breads such as Baguette tradition, Baguette campagne, Baguette St germain, Fougasse du sud, Chia olive pain ......
French Perfume – the powerful fragrance

French Perfume – the powerful fragrance

(VOVworld) - When it comes to the art of perfume, no country ranks more highly than France. France has been the heart and soul of the world’s perfume industry. French perfumes, like their wines, are...
Israel halts meetings with the EU

Israel halts meetings with the EU

(VOVworld) - Israel announced on Wednesday it would suspend several planned talks and forums with the European Union in retaliation for a decision to label products from Israeli settlements in the...
Singapore welcomes Vietnamese tourists

Singapore welcomes Vietnamese tourists

(VOVworld)- The Vietnamese Embassy has asked Singapore’s Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) to create the best possible conditions for Vietnamese nationals to enter
Journalist Hoang Minh Nguyet – work is her inspiration

Journalist Hoang Minh Nguyet – work is her inspiration

(VOVworld) – Journalist Hoang Minh Nguyet is an independent and proactive woman who has developed her career through her true talents. People, who know her or have ever worked with her, acknowledge her intelligence, sharp...
Mai Thuc Long: Mr. “Fire tiger”

Mai Thuc Long: Mr. “Fire tiger”

(VOVworld) – VOV reporters love him for his modesty, simplicity, frankness, and fearlessness in confrontations. He considers the Voice of Vietnam to be a vital part of his life
US welcomes Japan’s new security policy

US welcomes Japan’s new security policy

(VOVworld) – The US welcomed Japan’s historic decision, which re-interpreted article 9 in Japan’s constitution to enable Japan to implement its right of collective self-defense