US ready for direct talks with Iran

US ready for direct talks with Iran

(VOVworld)- The White House on Thursday said that US President Barack Obama may meet Iranian President Hassan Rowhani in New York next week on the sidelines of the UN General...
Iranians vote in 11th presidential election

Iranians vote in 11th presidential election

Iranian voters on Friday cast their ballots to select the successor to outgoing President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, who occupied the presidency for 2 consecutive terms and can not run for the post...
Tough message prior to Nowruz

Tough message prior to Nowruz

(VOVworld)- Iranians are celebrating the beginning of their New Year, Nowruz, the first day of the Iranian month of Farvardin on the Persian calendar, with hopes for peace and stability....

Iranians protest against US, 'global arrogance'

Iranians protested outside of the former US embassy in Tehran on Friday, marking the country's annual “Day of Fighting the Global Arrogance”. The yearly celebration coincides with the anniversary of the November...
Ramadan ends on unpeaceful note

Ramadan ends on unpeaceful note

(VOVworld)- The Muslim holy month of Ramadan is over. According Ramadan tradition, people were supposed to pray and do good deeds during this month, but conflicts and bloody clashes in...
The US may allow Iran’s nuclear enrichment

The US may allow Iran’s nuclear enrichment

The United States government may agree to allow limited uranium enrichment by Iran for the country’s nascent nuclear program, as long as Tehran undertakes measures to scale back its...