US to withdraw combat troops in Iraq

US to withdraw combat troops in Iraq

(VOVWORLD) - The United States and Iraq said Wednesday that they have agreed on the eventual withdrawal of US combat troops in Iraq and that the two governments would hold talks...
Major anti-American demonstration staged in Iraq

Major anti-American demonstration staged in Iraq

(VOVWORLD) - Thousands of Iraqis converged in central Baghdad on Sunday and chanted anti-American slogans to commemorate the anniversary of the killing of Iran’s General Qassem Soleimani and a...
Eid Al-Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice, in Oman

Eid Al-Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice, in Oman

(VOVWORLD) - “Eid al-Adha,” the "Sacrifice Feast," is the second Muslim holiday celebrated in Oman each year. The festival marks the end of the traditional pilgrimage season to Mecca. A large number of animals are...
EU, UK pledge funds to help Afghanistan

EU, UK pledge funds to help Afghanistan

(VOVWORLD) - The EU pledged on Tuesday to maintain its commitment of 1.2 billion euros to Afghanistan at a donor conference in Geneva, according to Jutta Urpilainen, the European Commissioner...
Things you should know about Oman

Things you should know about Oman

(VOVWORLD) - Many Vietnamese people know Oman only as the home of mythical characters whose stories continue to be told around the globe. But the Sultanate of Oman is a veritable kaleidoscope of history, culture, heritage,...
ISIS claims Egypt's gas pipeline blast

ISIS claims Egypt's gas pipeline blast

(VOVWORLD) - The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the gas pipeline blast in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula on Thursday, without giving evidence, a statement on their Telegram channel read
Austria says ISIS involved in Vienna terror attack

Austria says ISIS involved in Vienna terror attack

(VOVWORLD) - Austria’s top security official accused the Islamic State (ISIS) of opening fire at multiple locations in central Vienna late Monday that killed at least four people, including a police...