Nice terrorist entered France this month

Nice terrorist entered France this month

(VOVWORLD) - The knife attacker who beheaded a woman and killed two other people in a church in the French city of Nice on Thursday before being shot by police was a...
Mass migration from Libya to Europe

Mass migration from Libya to Europe

(VOVworld) - Thousands of migrants are "racing against the clock" to make the perilous crossing from Libya to Europe, while the Libyan authorities fail to stem the flow due to limited...
Human-trafficking kingpin extradited to Italy

Human-trafficking kingpin extradited to Italy

(VOVworld) - Medhanie Yehdego Mered, 35, an Eritrean, considered one of the most dangerous human traffickers, has been arrested in Sudan. He was extradited to Italy Tuesday night for interrogation
29 illegal migrants died off Italian coast

29 illegal migrants died off Italian coast

(VOVworld) - At least 29 illegal migrants died from hypothermia on Monday while traveling to Italy on a ship in the southernmost Italian island of Lampedusa, said Italian coast guard commander...