Blooming beauty of Co Lau flowers in Hanoi

Blooming beauty of Co Lau flowers in Hanoi

(VOVWORLD) - Co Lau flowers, an eye-catching type of feather reed grass known by its scientific name of calamagrostis acutiflora, are currently in bloom in Hanoi’s Long Bien district,...
Various activities on Mid-autumn festival

Various activities on Mid-autumn festival

(VOVworld) – On Thursday, a mid-autumn festival was held for disadvantaged children in Long Bien district, Hanoi. The program aims to encourage the children to do their best in their...
Bridges in Hanoi

Bridges in Hanoi

(VOVworld) – Hanoi has become more modernized in recent years with an increasing number of bridges. The bridges- Long Bien (the oldest one), Thang Long, Chuong Duong, Thanh Tri, Vinh Tuy and Dong Tru ...
Visiting Ghenh temple

Visiting Ghenh temple

(VOVworld) – Vietnamese people traditionally visit pagodas in the first days of the year to pray for a lucky new year. Ghenh temple is a popular choice for Hanoians at the...