Agricultural customs of the Mong

Agricultural customs of the Mong

(VOVworld) – The Mong live mainly in high mountain regions which have harsh weather conditions. They have some special cultivation methods to cope with the difficult terrain. VOV looks at the...
Any way out of the Thai political mess?

Any way out of the Thai political mess?

(VOVworld) - Thailand's Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra is set to attend a hearing before the National Anti-Corruption Committee Thursday on charges of ignoring warnings that the national rice subsidy scheme was...
Japan vows to help Mekong Sub-region

Japan vows to help Mekong Sub-region

(VOVworld) – Japan has pledged to help Mekong Sub-region countries, including Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Myanmar, to build their infrastructures and develop their economies toward establishing an ASEAN economic...
The US, EU loosen sanctions against Iran

The US, EU loosen sanctions against Iran

(VOVworld) – The US and EU announced on Monday that they had begun loosening some economic sanctions, the first concrete steps towards encouraging Iran to make more concessions in negotiations on...
2013: Instability and hot spots remain

2013: Instability and hot spots remain

(VOVworld)- Contrary to optimistic signs of the global economy, the world witnessed several political fluctuations last year. Continuous global security challenges are worrying the public about the possibility of resolving...
Instability in East Asia in 2013

Instability in East Asia in 2013

(VOVworld) – Exchanges of words and military deployments posed a great threat to North East Asia in 2013. VOV comments on the territorial disputes in this region
Iran resumes negotiations with P5+1

Iran resumes negotiations with P5+1

(VOVworld) - Iran and P5+1 has resumed expert-level talks over the implementation of the historic agreement signed in November under which Tehran will stop or limit its nuclear activities...
Iran, P5+1 to ink important nuclear deal

Iran, P5+1 to ink important nuclear deal

(VOVworld) - The P5+1 world powers and Iran have struck a historic deal on Tehran’s nuclear program at talks in Geneva on Sunday in return for loosened sanctions against Tehran...
Iran, P5+1 break deadlock in nuclear talks

Iran, P5+1 break deadlock in nuclear talks

(VOVworld) – Nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 group, including the UK, the US, France, Russia, and China plus Germany, in Geneva were seen as detailed, serious, and constructive, although...
Cham sculpture museum in Da Nang

Cham sculpture museum in Da Nang

(VOVworld)- Among the many popular destinations in Da Nang, including Ba Na, Ngu Hanh Son, My Son holy site and Linh Ung pagoda, the Cham sculpture museum is a must-see place...
West considers loosening sanctions on Iran

West considers loosening sanctions on Iran

(VOVworld) – The P5+1 group (including 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany) will consider limited pullback of sanctions on Iran in exchange for clear evidence that Tehran...