Stimulating real estate market

Stimulating real estate market

(VOVworld)- Conditions for foreigners in Vietnam to buy and own houses have been loosened under the revised Law on Housing announced by the Presidential Office last week. The new regulations...
Political tension in Ukraine

Political tension in Ukraine

(VOVworld)- The situation in Ukraine has worsened after an election in Ukraine’s separatist region. The Kiev government has deployed more troops to the region, suspended the special status law and...
RoK ready for dialogue with DPRK

RoK ready for dialogue with DPRK

(VOVworld) - President Park Geun-hye said on Monday that the Republic of Korea’s doors will remain open to dialogue with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
 DPRK looks for new European partners

DPRK looks for new European partners

(VOVworld) - Secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (WPK) is on a working visit to several European countries. The...
Threats on Korean peninsula

Threats on Korean peninsula

(VOVworld)- The US and the Republic of Korea this week began an annual joint military drill called “Ulchi Freedom Guardian” despite warnings from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea....
Iraq faces double crisis

Iraq faces double crisis

(VOVworld)- 3 years after the US withdrew its troops out of Iraq in December, 2011, Iraq once again has plunged into violence due to the insurgence of jihadists of the Islamic...
A step backward in Russia-EU relations

A step backward in Russia-EU relations

(VOVworld) – The 28-member European Union on July 25 reached a preliminary agreement to expand economic sanctions on Russia. The final document is set to be adopted this week. The west...
Japan enterprises attend international defense show

Japan enterprises attend international defense show

(VOVworld) – Thirteen Japanese enterprises on Monday attended for the first time in the Eurosatory defense and security exhibition in Paris, to promote Japanese military equipment after Prime Minister Shinzo...
Israel launches airstrikes across Gaza trip

Israel launches airstrikes across Gaza trip

(VOVworld) - Israeli warplanes launched two airstrikes against a number of military bases in the South, Centre and North of the Gaza Strip on Saturday just hours after a rocket struck...
Japan-China agree to boost bilateral relations

Japan-China agree to boost bilateral relations

(VOVworld) – Japanese Trade Minister Toshimitsu Motegi and hí Chinese counterpart Gao Hucheng held talks on Saturday in the sidelines of the Trade Ministers’ Meeting of the 20th APEC Summit in Qing...