UN condemns terrorist attack in Kidal, Mali

UN condemns terrorist attack in Kidal, Mali

(VOVworld) - The UN Security Council condemned in the strongest terms on Sunday the terrorist attack against a camp of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) in Kidal...
UN peacekeeper killed in attack in Mali's Kidal

UN peacekeeper killed in attack in Mali's Kidal

(VOVworld) - Two civilians and a UN peacekeeper were killed when militants attacked a barracks used by the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) in the northern Malian...
2nd Ebola fatality in US

2nd Ebola fatality in US

(VOVworld) - A US doctor who spent time treating Ebola patients in Sierra Leone died from the virus on Monday
United Nations peacekeepers killed in Mali

United Nations peacekeepers killed in Mali

(VOVworld) - Nine United Nations peacekeepers from Niger were killed in an ambush in northern Mali on Friday, the deadliest attack on the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali, the UN mission...
President receives 7 new ambassadors

President receives 7 new ambassadors

(VOVworld) – President Truong Tan Sang received the ambassadors of Sierra Leone, Iceland, Tunisia, Tanzania, Guatemala, Georgia, and Mali who came to present their credentials on Wednesday
Germany steps up activities in Africa

Germany steps up activities in Africa

(VOVworld) - Germany's new Defense Minister says Germany should engage more strongly in Africa by sending additional military trainers to Mali and supporting the French intervention in the Central African...
UN calls on Sahel region to end crisis

UN calls on Sahel region to end crisis

(VOVworld)- UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday urged countries in the Sahel region to cooperate as many of them are currently facing political and security crises