Russian President approves government line-up

Russian President approves government line-up

(VOVWORLD) - Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a new line-up of the government on Tuesday, appointing a new economy minister and a new first deputy prime minister but retaining many...
Russian GAZ group to start producing cars in Vietnam

Russian GAZ group to start producing cars in Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - Russia’s GAZ Group will begin assembling vehicles in Vietnam, the Russian TASS News Agency said, quoting Maxim Akimov, head of the Russian Intergovernmental Commission of the Russian Federation and Vietnam on...
Russia, Cuba enhance strategic alliance

Russia, Cuba enhance strategic alliance

(VOVWORLD) - Cuban President Miguel Diaz Canel held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Tuesday during his visit to Russia from Sunday to Wednesday. Early this month, Russian Prime...
Party’s ideological foundation defended

Party’s ideological foundation defended

(VOVWORLD) - Fighting against distortion and hostility and defending Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought are the primary tasks of Party building and rectification. According to Professor Doctor Vu...
Vietnam persists on its revolutionary path

Vietnam persists on its revolutionary path

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese Party Politburo’s determination to pursue the goal of national independence in association with socialism based on Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought is defined in Decree 35...
Wednesday August 28,2019

Wednesday August 28,2019

(VOVWORLD) - First on our show today, we’d like to thank our listeners around the world for greeting us on the occasion of Vietnam’s 74th National Day coming...
Move over Hanoi Hannah … meet Havana Hannah

Move over Hanoi Hannah … meet Havana Hannah

(VOVWORLD) - On a summer morning just before Vietnam’s Reunification Day, April 30, an elderly American lady showed up at VOV’s office. All we knew about her was that she used to...