VOV in the hearts of its listeners

VOV in the hearts of its listeners

(VOVWORLD) - The Voice of Vietnam launched the first writing contest, “Radio – A Century of Informing, Entertaining and Educating” last November. Listeners of all ages Hundreds of entries have been submitted,...
WHO launches global coronavirus monitoring network

WHO launches global coronavirus monitoring network

(VOVWORLD) - The World Health Organization (WHO) launched on Wednesday a new network for coronaviruses, CoViNet, for early and accurate detection, monitoring, and assessment of SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV, and...
Deputy PM receives US Senator

Deputy PM receives US Senator

(VOVWORLD) -Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang suggested that Vietnam and the US cooperate more substantively and deeply in fields commensurate with the new comprehensive strategic partnership framework between the two...
Young people pioneer in digital transformation

Young people pioneer in digital transformation

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh held a dialogue with young people on Tuesday, on the occasion of the 93rd anniversary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union. He underlined young...