283 products named Vietnam National Brands

283 products named Vietnam National Brands

(VOVWORLD) - 283 products from 124 companies were honored on Wednesday as Vietnam National Brands for 2020. This certification of their high quality and mastery of technology will elevate their prestige...
Interesting Bhutan’s facts

Interesting Bhutan’s facts

(VOVWORLD) - Bhutan is a country unlike any other, a land where monks still meditate for years in the sacred caves to the East. A country ruled by a monarch who freely gave up his absolute power to...
Dong Ngu village keeps water puppetry alive

Dong Ngu village keeps water puppetry alive

(VOVWORLD) - Dong Ngu village in Thuan Thanh district, Bac Ninh province, continues to draw crowds to its water puppet shows. Its troupe is one of 14 active water puppet troupes in...
   National unity upheld for national interests

National unity upheld for national interests

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese Party and State have always considered national unity one of the motivations for national development and people’s happiness. Vietnamese people regardless of class, ethnicity, or religion,...
Vietnam’s 7th full-moon festival

Vietnam’s 7th full-moon festival

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnamese people call the 7th full moon festival “Vu Lan bao hieu” (Parents' Day) or “Xa toi vong nhan” (Wandering Soul’s Day). The festival is the second largest annual traditional festival...
The craft of casting bronze in Yen Xa commune

The craft of casting bronze in Yen Xa commune

(VOVWORLD) - Viet Nam is the home of the traditional hand-crafted bronze drum, aged 4000 years. It is said that tens of thousands of ancient bronze arrowheads were stuck dating back before Christ in the age of King An...