Global challenges to eliminate racial discrimination

Global challenges to eliminate racial discrimination

(VOVWORLD) - March 21 is observed by the United Nations as “International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination”. Amidst increasing international conflicts, economic instability, climate crisis, and the technology boom,...
Vietnam ensures rights of ethnic groups

Vietnam ensures rights of ethnic groups

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has seen much progress in promoting the rights of ethnic groups, said Y Thong, Deputy Minister and Vice Chairman of the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs at the ongoing 111th session...
Dau An Temple, a Special National Relic

Dau An Temple, a Special National Relic

(VOVWORLD) - An Xa Temple, also called Dau An Temple, in the northern province of Hung Yen is the largest architectural work of Taoism in Vietnam. The temple, which has historical and...
UN chief appeals for an end to online hate

UN chief appeals for an end to online hate

(VOVWORLD) -The UN secretary-general warned of social media's role in spreading violent extremism around the globe as he marked Holocaust Remembrance Day on Friday, urging policy makers to...
Hung Yen province – home of national treasures

Hung Yen province – home of national treasures

(VOVWORLD) - The Red River Delta province of Hung Yen is home to a number of valuable objects and artifacts imbued with aesthetic and historical values preserved by generations of local people...