NA debates draft revised law on Military Service

NA debates draft revised law on Military Service

(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies on Thursday afternoon debated the draft revision to the Law on Military Service. The Law was adopted at the 7th National Assembly’s 2nd session on December 30,...
US, Japan announces new defense guidelines

US, Japan announces new defense guidelines

(VOVworld) - Japan and the United States unveiled new guidelines for defense cooperation on Monday, reflecting Japan's willingness to take on a more robust international role
Ukraine prioritizes constitution revision

Ukraine prioritizes constitution revision

(VOVworld) – Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko says decentralization of power and improving constitutional foundations of justice and constitutional regulations on human rights and freedoms are the priorities of amendments to the...
Year-end government meeting

Year-end government meeting

(VOVworld) – Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung chaired the year-end government meeting Tuesday. Discussed schedules were for submitting draft laws and ordinances and issuing documents regulating law enforcement, and tasks...