The US, EU loosen sanctions against Iran

The US, EU loosen sanctions against Iran

(VOVworld) – The US and EU announced on Monday that they had begun loosening some economic sanctions, the first concrete steps towards encouraging Iran to make more concessions in negotiations on...
West considers loosening sanctions on Iran

West considers loosening sanctions on Iran

(VOVworld) – The P5+1 group (including 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany) will consider limited pullback of sanctions on Iran in exchange for clear evidence that Tehran...
Japan’s economic prospects called Abenomics

Japan’s economic prospects called Abenomics

(VOVworld) – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) held a seminar on Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s economic policy, dubbed Abenomics, in Tokyo on Tuesday. After nearly two decades of deflation,...
Turning point in EU-Myanmar relations

Turning point in EU-Myanmar relations

(VOVworld) – Twenty seven EU Foreign Ministers agreed in Luxembourg on Monday to lift all economic and trade embargos and sanctions imposed on Myanmar’s citizens. The move is considered an important breakthrough...
Government resolution to help enterprises has effect

Government resolution to help enterprises has effect

(VOVworld) – Government resolution 13 is helping enterprises nationwide resolve production, trading, and market problem. The 1.4 billion USD package focuses on reducing interest rates, and loosening tax obligations. VOV...