US continues to ease restrictions on Cuba

US continues to ease restrictions on Cuba

(VOVworld) – On Tuesday President Obama’s administration ordered continued loosening of restrictions on Cuba as a token of the US’s good will to improve ties with Cuba
Vietnam, Tanzania boost cooperation

Vietnam, Tanzania boost cooperation

(VOVworld) - President Truong Tan Sang and Tanzanian Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa attended a Vietnam – Tanzania business forum in Dar Es Salaam city on Wednesday
Golden opportunity for Iran’s nuclear negotiations

Golden opportunity for Iran’s nuclear negotiations

(VOVworld) – Negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program between Iran and the P5+1 continued in Vienna this week. This latest round of negotiations seeks a comprehensive deal on Iran’s controversial nuclear...
Iran to supply gas for Europe

Iran to supply gas for Europe

(VOVworld) - Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh says his country is ready to supply European countries with natural gas. He was quoted by Press TV on Saturday as saying that as a country...
Iran and P5+1 agree on negotiation next month

Iran and P5+1 agree on negotiation next month

(VOVworld)- According to UN High Representative for Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, Iran and P5+1 (the UK, the US, Russia, France, China and Germany) will...