Voters look forward to election day

Voters look forward to election day

(VOVWORLD) - On May 23, more than 69 million Vietnamese voters will cast ballots to elect deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People’s Councils at all levels for the...
Wednesday May 19, 2021

Wednesday May 19, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - Today is May 19, when Vietnamese people at home and overseas celebrate the 131st birthday of President Ho Chi Minh
46 years on: Vietnam, US resolve legacy of war

46 years on: Vietnam, US resolve legacy of war

(VOVWORLD) - In the spring of 1975, "the longest war in American history" waged by the US military in Vietnam, came to an end with the historic Ho Chi Minh campaign. Over 46 years since the...
Village elders promote Co Tu ethnic culture

Village elders promote Co Tu ethnic culture

(VOVWORLD) - Mainly residing in the central region of Vietnam, the Co Tu ethnic people have many unique cultural practices such as Ly singing, Tung Tung Da Da or Co Tu’s dance of offering...
People’s mastery respected and promoted

People’s mastery respected and promoted

(VOVWORLD) - The Party and State always respect and promote people’s mastery because the people are central, said Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong at the ongoing National...
Iran urges EU signatories to honor nuclear deal

Iran urges EU signatories to honor nuclear deal

(VOVWORLD) - Iran’s Foreign Ministry on Monday urged Britain, France and Germany to "implement their obligations" under the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA...
 Human rights promoted in a practical, humane manner

Human rights promoted in a practical, humane manner

(VOVWORLD) - On Human Rights Day, December 10, hostile and reactionary forces and political opportunists attempted to distort and deny Vietnam’s achievements in promoting human rights. The distortion is groundless. Since its foundation...