Vietnam backs UN peacekeeping and UNPOL operations

Vietnam backs UN peacekeeping and UNPOL operations

(VOVWORLD) - Peacekeeping continues to be an important tool to maintain international peace and security, and Vietnam supports peacekeeping activities and the UN police (UNPOL), said Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, Vietnam...
Hanoi launches first safe tour in new normal

Hanoi launches first safe tour in new normal

(VOVWORLD) - The “French architecture in the heart of Hanoi” walking tour was launched by the Vietnam National Museum of History and Hanoitourist Corporation last month. Tours will be conducted every...
96% of firms in HCM city's IPs resume operation

96% of firms in HCM city's IPs resume operation

(VOVWORLD) - Nearly 96% of enterprises at 17 processing and industrial zones in Ho Chi Minh City have resumed operations after social distancing measures were lifted, according to the HCM City...
Hanoi launches first safety tour in new normal

Hanoi launches first safety tour in new normal

(VOVWORLD) - A safety tour with a combination of automatic audio guides and traditional sightseeing was launched on Saturday at the Vietnam National Museum of History. The event was organised by the museum in...