Vietnam, US relationship in the next 2 decades

Vietnam, US relationship in the next 2 decades

(VOVworld) – Over the past 20 years of relations normalization, Vietnam and the US have set aside the past, looked toward the future, and become comprehensive partners. The last 2 decades...
Vietnam, US look forward to another 20 years of success

Vietnam, US look forward to another 20 years of success

(VOVworld) – Top Vietnamese and US diplomats on Monday discussed opportunities and challenges for Vietnamese-US relations in the next 2 decades. Delegates analyzed diplomatic, economic, security and political relations since...
Prime Minister receives new US ambassador

Prime Minister receives new US ambassador

(VOVworld) – In a reception in Hanoi on Wednesday, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung told new US ambassador to Vietnam Theodore Osius that Vietnam wants to deepen bilateral ties with the US, contributing to...
US President nominates new ambassador to Vietnam

US President nominates new ambassador to Vietnam

(VOVworld) - US President Barack Obama on Thursday nominated Ted Osius, an Associate Professor at the National War College, to be the next US ambassador to Vietnam, replacing David Shear who...