Russia, Turkey agree to Syria ceasefire

Russia, Turkey agree to Syria ceasefire

(VOVWORLD) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday agreed to a ceasefire in Syria’s Idlib province. The agreement reached during a one-day visit...
Wednesday February 5, 2020

Wednesday February 5, 2020

(VOVWORLD) - I hope this edition of the letter box finds you well and in good health. Especially amidst the widespread coronavirus epidemic. Many of our listeners want to know what...
Wednesday December 4, 2019

Wednesday December 4, 2019

(VOVWORLD) - Many of our listeners have sent their congratulations for the successes of Vietnamese athletes at the on-going 30th Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games 30)
Wednesday October 9, 2019

Wednesday October 9, 2019

(VOVWORLD) - Our listeners often send us reception reports and via letter or postcard. It’s nice to receive something you can touch, isn’t it
Iran to relax commitment in JSPOA

Iran to relax commitment in JSPOA

(VOVWORLD) - The secondary part of Iran’s Arak heavy water reactor will become operational within the next few weeks, Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar...
Wednesday September 18, 2019

Wednesday September 18, 2019

(VOVWORLD) - A regular listener, Richard Nowak of the US, said: “I enjoyed tonight’s show on 7315 khz, listening with a Hallicrafters SX-25 Super Defiant tube receiver attached to an...
Wednesday July 17, 2019

Wednesday July 17, 2019

(VOVWORLD) - Welcome Brian Keefe who listened to our program for the first time and wrote to us to say he received VOV’s signal on July 16 on 00:20 UTC and...
Wednesday June 5, 2019

Wednesday June 5, 2019

(VOVWORLD) - We’d like to send our best wishes for Eid al-Fitr to all our Muslim listeners
Wednesday May 29, 2019

Wednesday May 29, 2019

(VOVWORLD) - Welcome to the Letter Box, our weekly feature dedicated to listeners around the world
Wednesday April 24,2019

Wednesday April 24,2019

(VOVWORLD) - Welcome to the Letter Box, our weekly feature dedicated to listeners around the world
Wednesday April 10, 2019

Wednesday April 10, 2019

(VOVWORLD) - Welcome to the Letter Box, our weekly feature dedicated to listeners around the world
Wednesday April 3, 2019

Wednesday April 3, 2019

(VOVWORLD) - Welcome to the Letter Box, our weekly feature dedicated to listeners around the world
Efforts to reconstruct Syria

Efforts to reconstruct Syria

(VOVWORLD) - The third conference on supporting the future of Syria, co-chaired by the EU and the UN, wrapped up in Brussels on Thursday. The aim of the 3-day...