South Sudan ceasefire comes into effect

South Sudan ceasefire comes into effect

(VOVWORLD) - A ceasefire between South Sudan's warring parties took effect just after midnight Sunday, in what is the latest bid to end a devastating four year war
Syrian government returns to Geneva talks

Syrian government returns to Geneva talks

(VOVWORLD) - The Syrian government delegation returned to Geneva on Sunday to resume UN-brokered talks on Syrian peace. Bashar al-Ja‘afari, Syria’s ambassador to the UN and chief negotiator...
Syrian government negotiator quits Geneva talks

Syrian government negotiator quits Geneva talks

(VOVWORLD) -Syria’s government delegation quit UN-led peace talks in Geneva on Friday and said it would not return next week unless the opposition withdrew a statement demanding President...
 New progress in solving Syria crisis

New progress in solving Syria crisis

(VOVWORLD) - The Presidents of Russia, Turkey, and Iran issued on Wednesday a Joint Statement on Syria at the conclusion of their tripartite summit in Sochi, Russia. The Joint Statement identifies...
Sixth round of Syria peace talks begins in Astana

Sixth round of Syria peace talks begins in Astana

(VOVWORLD) - Astana hosted the sixth international Syrian crisis resolution talks on Thursday. The first day of the forum was dedicated to bilateral consultations and a final plenary meeting is scheduled...
Vietnam prepares to face storm Pakhar

Vietnam prepares to face storm Pakhar

(VOVWORLD) -Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung has asked relevant authorities to develop a master plan on natural disaster prevention and mitigation in mountainous regions