Syrian peace talks: negative signs

Syrian peace talks: negative signs

(VOVworld) – The UN Security Council has approved a resolution on a cease fire in Syria, mediated by Russia, Turkey, and Iran. It paves the way for a peace talks scheduled to take place in Astana, the capital...
Nationwide ceasefire in Syria takes effect

Nationwide ceasefire in Syria takes effect

(VOVworld)- A nationwide ceasefire in Syria brokered by Russia and Turkey took effect on Thursday at midnight. The Syrian Government and 7 rebel groups have agreed to a nationwide truce followed...
India poised to become global manufacturing hub

India poised to become global manufacturing hub

(VOVworld) – At the 5th India-Arab Partnership conference in Muscat, Oman, Minister of State for External Affairs Mobashar Jawed Akbar said India is poised to become the world’s manufacturing...
EU extends sanctions against Syria

EU extends sanctions against Syria

(VOVworld) – The European Union on Monday imposed travel bans and asset freezes on 17 ministers and the central bank governor of Syria. The new sanctions are intended to punish the...
EU pressures Russia over Syria

EU pressures Russia over Syria

(VOVworld) - EU leaders have warned Russia that they will consider sanctions on Russia for its role in the Syrian conflict
Russia, Turkey foster bilateral ties

Russia, Turkey foster bilateral ties

(VOVworld) – Russia and Turkey have signed an agreement on the construction of an undersea gas pipeline. They have also pledged to reach a common voice on the Syria crisis. The moves...
Russia, US disagree on Syria

Russia, US disagree on Syria

(VOVworld) – The US announced on October 4 it is suspending its dialogue with Russia on a cease fire in Syria and criticized Russia for launching attacks on civilian targets in...
Syrian government did not kill civilians

Syrian government did not kill civilians

(VOVworld) - The Syrian Ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Bashar Ja'afari on Thursday rejected an accusation that the Syrian government was killing civilians
Syrian rebels Ahrar al-Sham reject truce

Syrian rebels Ahrar al-Sham reject truce

(VOVworld) – An influential Syrian rebel group, the hardline Islamist Ahrar al-Sham, on Sunday rejected the truce deal brokered by Russia and the United States hours before it was due...