Russia launches Syria airstrikes

Russia launches Syria airstrikes

(VOVworld) – Russian warplanes stroke a series of terror facilities in Syria on Tuesday right after they had been deployed to an Iranian base, according to the Russian Defense Ministry
Promoting the Cham culture

Promoting the Cham culture

(VOVworld) – Vietnam’s Cham ethnic culture is being challenged by globalization and international integration. A recent workshop organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism and An Giang province...
France, UK call for an end of siege of Aleppo

France, UK call for an end of siege of Aleppo

(VOVworld) - French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault and British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson called on the Syrian regime and its allies to end their siege of the city of Aleppo
South Sudan government commits to honor peace deal

South Sudan government commits to honor peace deal

(VOVworld) - James Pitia Morgan, South Sudan's permanent representative to the African Union, said Thursday that the South Sudanese government is committed to the peace agreement signed last August 2015...
No breakthrough at Syria peace talks

No breakthrough at Syria peace talks

(VOVworld) – The Vienna talks of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) on ending the Syrian conflict closed with no clear breakthrough while faction-fighting erupted and the death toll continued...
Syrian government delegation leaves Geneva

Syrian government delegation leaves Geneva

(VOVworld) – The Syrian government delegation led by Bashar Ja’afari left Geneva on Monday, asking the rebels backed by Turkey and Saudi Arabia to accept responsibility for the escalating violence...
Russia continues to help Syria fight terrorists

Russia continues to help Syria fight terrorists

(VOV world) - Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin said Monday that Russia will continue to help the Syrian army combat the Islamic State (IS) and Jabhat al...