Italy’s new government wins confidence vote

Italy’s new government wins confidence vote

(VOVworld) - Premier Paolo Gentiloni easily won a vote of confidence Tuesday night from the Italian Parliament's lower chamber for his new government after pledges by opposition lawmakers from the...
President Tran Dai Quang attends APEC Summit 2016

President Tran Dai Quang attends APEC Summit 2016

(VOVworld) – Peru’s President Pedro Paplo Kuczynsky hosted a welcome ceremony to heads of the 21 member economies to attend the 24th High-Level Week of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ...
Vietnam Peru high level talks

Vietnam Peru high level talks

(VOVworld) – President Tran Dai Quang and his Peruvian counterpart Paplo Kuczynsky have agreed to strengthen cooperation in all areas, especially in telecommunications, oil and gas. During their talks on Friday in...
Colombia: ELN wants to end armed conflicts

Colombia: ELN wants to end armed conflicts

(VOVworld) – The Chief negotiator of Colombia’s National Liberation Army (ELN) has stated that the organization desires to end armed conflicts with the Colombian government and promises to stop all...
Colombia to renew peace talks with ELN

Colombia to renew peace talks with ELN

(VOVworld) – The Colombian government and the National Liberation Army (ELN) announced Monday in Caracas that they will begin a new public phase of peace talks
Philippine president safe after Davao blast

Philippine president safe after Davao blast

(VOVworld) - The Philippines’ president Rodrigo Duterte was in Davao during a blast on Friday, but was safe and at a police station after the explosion, said his son Paolo Duterte,...
Brazil ready for Olympics 2016

Brazil ready for Olympics 2016

(VOVworld) – Olympics 2016 will take place from August 5-21 in Brazil. More than 10,000 athletes from 206 countries and territories will compete at the world games. Brazil...