PM holds online talks with Turkish Vice President

PM holds online talks with Turkish Vice President

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh suggested Vietnam and Turkey exchange experience and closely coordinate in the COVID-19 fight and economic reopening during his online talks with Turkish Vice...
Safe adaptation for reopening

Safe adaptation for reopening

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has adjusted its COVID-19 strategy, giving thorough consideration to the current pandemic situation. It has shifted its goal from no coronavirus to safe co-existence with COVID...
Vaccine passport - key to economic re-opening

Vaccine passport - key to economic re-opening

(VOVWORLD) - Although the COVID-19 pandemic remains complicated, Vietnam has changed the goal from completely containing the epidemic to adapting to and living with it. The vaccine passport, also known as the electronic health...
Wednesday September 29, 2021

Wednesday September 29, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - This week there’s some good news about the pandemic from many parts of Vietnam that we would really like to share with our listeners
Vietnam to apply vaccine e-passport shortly

Vietnam to apply vaccine e-passport shortly

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese authorities are working to soon implement a ‘vaccine passport’ programme and adjust entry and exit regulations to facilitate foreign entries into the country