Iraq: violence kills and injures over 100

Iraq: violence kills and injures over 100

(VOVworld) – Iraqi police say at least 23 people were killed and 95 others injured in attacks across the country on Saturday. The bloodiest attack was near the Shiite mosque in Tuz Khurmatu,...
Lu Duc Toan – traffic knight

Lu Duc Toan – traffic knight

(VOVworld) - Senior Lieutenant-colonel Le Duc Doan has been on duty managing traffic on the southern-end of Hanoi’s Chuong Duong Bridge for 20 years. Local people praise him for being responsible...

Islamist militants denounce verdicts

An Egyptian court has upheld death sentences for 14 Islamist militants involved in attacks on the army and police in the Sinai Peninsula last year. The court in Ismailia sentenced four other militants to life...