Everyday life in Vietnam in the eyes of German writer

Everyday life in Vietnam in the eyes of German writer

(VOVWORLD) - In comparison with Vietnamese writers, how does a foreign observer describe Vietnam’s rivers, markets, motorbikes, pho, and draft beer? Renowned contemporary German poet Jan Wagner provides a fascinating answer...
Austerity protests hit Portugal

Austerity protests hit Portugal

(VOVworld) – Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Lisbon Saturday in the latest demonstration against the austerity policies of Portugal's centre-right government, after gathering in Porto city...
Protests against austerity in Italy, Portugal

Protests against austerity in Italy, Portugal

(VOVworld) - Tens of thousands of people have protested government austerity policies in Italy and Portugal. Almost all protests were peaceful, except for some minor clashes with police outside the...
Vietnam, Uruguay hold political consultations

Vietnam, Uruguay hold political consultations

(VOVworld)- Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Phuong Nga and her Uruguay counterpart Luis Porto have held the first political consultation between the two countries during Porto’s October 3-5 visit...