Jean-Claude Junker elected head of EC

Jean-Claude Junker elected head of EC

(VOVworld) – The European Parliament has approved former Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Junker to be President of the European Commission for the 2014-2019 term
Austerity protests hit Portugal

Austerity protests hit Portugal

(VOVworld) – Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Lisbon Saturday in the latest demonstration against the austerity policies of Portugal's centre-right government, after gathering in Porto city...
Wednesday, May 22, 2014

Wednesday, May 22, 2014

Well, not only in Hue, anywhere in Vietnam, you will have a chance to experience “diều sáo”- kite flying with flute singing. Kite flying is popular throughout the year, but especially in summer. Vietnamese people of...
Japan PM set for European trip

Japan PM set for European trip

(VOVworld) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe begins his six-nation European tour on Tuesday to enhance relations between Japan and international organizations
Protests against austerity in Italy, Portugal

Protests against austerity in Italy, Portugal

(VOVworld) - Tens of thousands of people have protested government austerity policies in Italy and Portugal. Almost all protests were peaceful, except for some minor clashes with police outside the...
Eurozone’s longest recession ends

Eurozone’s longest recession ends

Data from Eurostat, the European Union's statistics office, on Wednesday showed that the Eurozone’s GDP grew 0.3% in the second quarter, ending its longest recession since its...
Eurozone risks new crisis

Eurozone risks new crisis

(VOVworld) – The political impasse following Italy’s election has raised fears of a continuous debt crisis not only in Italy but in neighboring countries. The election was seen as...
Palestinians aspirations

Palestinians aspirations

(VOVworld)- The UN General Assembly will vote on Thursday on Palestine’s application to be an observer member state. A previous application for full membership in September 2011 was denied. This time...
Austerity protests sweep Eurozone

Austerity protests sweep Eurozone

(VOVworld) – EU members’ trade unions on Wednesday launched fresh protest against the widespread austerity measures which have been considered the cause of European deeper sinking into economic recession