Global economy: prospect and challenges

Global economy: prospect and challenges

(VOVWORLD) - The global economy has seen positive signs of recovery and growth, particularly in the world’s two largest economies. But the global economy still faces serious challenges. Countries need to try...
Links enhanced to develop southern key economic region

Links enhanced to develop southern key economic region

(VOVWORLD) - The important role and orientation for the development of the southern key economic zone have been identified in many resolutions of the Party, State and Government, including the Politburo’s resolution on promoting...
US urges North Korea to engage in dialogue

US urges North Korea to engage in dialogue

(VOVWORLD) - The US strongly urged North Korea to return to a dialogue on Wednesday, saying it is prepared to discuss "any concerns" of Pyongyang. Sung Kim, US special representative for North Korea...
Lavash bread, the symbol of Armenian cuisine

Lavash bread, the symbol of Armenian cuisine

(VOVWORLD) - The paper-thin, blanket-sized bread called lavash has long been considered a fundamental element of Armenians’ diet. It is one of the most ancient breads still being made today. Lavash...
Reading culture spreads during COVID-19

Reading culture spreads during COVID-19

(VOVWORLD) - Many cultural activities have been suspended due to COVID-19. But, during the social distancing period, a lot of people have turned to reading and promoting reading culture in...
PM starts trip for COP26, visit to UK

PM starts trip for COP26, visit to UK

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh landed at Prestwick airport on Sunday morning (local time), starting his trip for the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26)...