Grave sculptures of the Central Highlands

Grave sculptures of the Central Highlands

(VOVWORLD) - Carving wooden sculptures is a special folk art of ethnic groups such as the Co Tu, Ede, Ba Na, and Jarai of the Central Highlands. They are not just folk...
US Baby shower party

US Baby shower party

(VOVWORLD) - A baby shower is a way to celebrate the expected or delivered birth of a child by presenting gifts to the mother at a party. The term shower is often assumed to mean that the expectant...
Wednesday March 13, 2019

Wednesday March 13, 2019

(VOVWORLD) - I’m reading a letter from Stephen Hogan of Australia. It took a month for his letter to arrive at VOV’s office on March 11th. He sent the VOV staff...
Funeral of Vietnam ethnic people

Funeral of Vietnam ethnic people

(VOVWORLD) - Funerals customs vary between ethnic groups in Vietnam. For many ethnic minority groups, funeral activities include games, dancing, and dressing in special ritual costumes, which might be considered odd...


Highlights: - New launches by food giants to welcome Christmas - Foods that should be avoided before bed - How a futuristic toilet would be like - The world's first weekly chart of movie downloads ...
Wednesday July 25, 2018

Wednesday July 25, 2018

(VOVWORLD) -We’re very glad when our listeners tell us that they have received VOV’s QSL cards and gifts. Every week, VOVWorld sends letters to listeners around the world. Most of...
Wednesday July 11, 2018

Wednesday July 11, 2018

(VOVWORLD) -We’re glad to welcome Albert E Ford of England back to VOV’s DX’er community. He told us that he has been a radio enthusiast since the early...
Wednesday June 27, 2018

Wednesday June 27, 2018

(VOVWORLD) -This week we got some letters from some listeners, who have not listened to shortwave for a while. Having returned, Marzio Vizzoni of Italy said: “I was very pleased to listen once again to your interesting...