Vietnam contributes to humanitarian activities

Vietnam contributes to humanitarian activities

(VOVWORLD) - The 11th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) opened in Hanoi on Monday. Hosting the event for the second...
Japan, China prepare to organize a summit

Japan, China prepare to organize a summit

(VOVWORLD) - Japanese National Security Advisor Takeo Akiba is expected to meet with high-ranking Chinese officials in Beijing to lay the groundwork for a summit between the Chinese and Japanese leaders...
Peruvian culture is reflected in its cuisine

Peruvian culture is reflected in its cuisine

(VOVWORLD) - The Peruvian Ambassador to Vietnam says that every Peruvian person can cook well and cuisine is a source of their national pride, not just for its incomparable flavors and aromas, but because...
​New rice celebration of the Co Tu

​New rice celebration of the Co Tu

(VOVWORLD) - The new rice celebration is one of the most important rituals of the Co Tu ethnic minority to show their gratitude to heaven and earth for giving them good weather...
Eye disease: early detection and treatment

Eye disease: early detection and treatment

(VOVWORLD) - Early eye check-ups can help detect eye problems at an early stage to protect eyesight and prevent vision loss. But for various reasons, people tend to visit a...