EU prolongs Russia sanctions for another 6 months

EU prolongs Russia sanctions for another 6 months

(VOVWORLD) - The Council of the EU has adopted a decision to extend sanctions against the Russian Federation until September 15, 2020 over actions undermining the territorial integrity of Ukraine,...
Russia, Turkey engage in another war of nerves

Russia, Turkey engage in another war of nerves

(VOVWORLD) -Northwestern Syria has once again become a hotspot of a prolonged crisis in Syria. Concerns are mounting over the tense confrontation between Russia and Turkey, the two countries...
US’s new Middle East plan unfeasible

US’s new Middle East plan unfeasible

(VOVWORLD) - US President Donald Trump unveiled his new Middle East peace plan to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on January 28, recommending a “realistic” two-state solution for Israel and Palestine. Trump calls...
Vietnam hosts debate on adhering to UN Charter

Vietnam hosts debate on adhering to UN Charter

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has taken on the role of non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the 2020-2021 term and assumed the rotating Presidency of the UN Security Council in...
Middle East review: Gloomy situation

Middle East review: Gloomy situation

(VOVWORLD) - This year the Middle East has continued to be overshadowed by conflicts, violence, and crises. The whole region sees potential risks of instability. VOV reviews