Flower villages busy ahead of Tet

Flower villages busy ahead of Tet

(VOVWORLD) - With Lunar New Year 2024 just a month away, Nhat Tan peach blossom village and Tu Lien kumquat village are getting busier meeting surging demands for a peach...
Wednesday December 27, 2023

Wednesday December 27, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - We’re now in the last few days of 2023 when, like many others, we look back at what we’ve done during the past year and announce our...
Young people confirm vanguard role in new era

Young people confirm vanguard role in new era

(VOVWORLD) - Nearly 700 delegates are attending the 11th National Congress of the Vietnamese Students Association in Hanoi from December 18-20. They expressed their aspiration to contribute to national development...
PM asks for all-out-effort to achieve targets of 2023

PM asks for all-out-effort to achieve targets of 2023

(VOVWORLD) - Despite difficulties and challenges in the international context, Vietnam has gained multiple socio-economic development results with a stable macroeconomy, inflation under control, economic growth recorded in all fields, people's...