Relieve your life pressure with mantra yoga

Relieve your life pressure with mantra yoga

(VOVWORLD) - Mantra yoga is seen as one of the easiest ways to achieve the difficult state of internalizing the sense-oriented mind from the external world and focusing on inner consciousness. In Vietnam,...
Overseas Vietnamese market Vietnamese products

Overseas Vietnamese market Vietnamese products

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnamese people, particularly overseas Vietnamese businesspeople, have been trying to market Vietnamese goods to penetrate the global market. Over the past years. Overseas Vietnamese have made great contributions to...
Localities race against time as typhoon Talim rages

Localities race against time as typhoon Talim rages

(VOVWORLD) -Typhoon Talim, the first typhoon to hit Vietnam this year, is advancing toward the area between Vietnam’s Quang Ninh province and China’s Dongxing province. The typhoon will have widespread impact. 100...