Wedding ritual of the Pu Peo

Wedding ritual of the Pu Peo

(VOVworld) – Living together with 22 other ethnic groups in Ha Giang province, the Pu Peo have maintained their culture, customs, and lifestyle. In this program, Vinh Phong will introduce...
Earthen-wall houses of the Pu Peo

Earthen-wall houses of the Pu Peo

(VOVworld) – The earthen-wall house is typical of ethnic groups in the mountainous province of Ha Giang, including the Pu Peo. The Pu Peo believe that the success or failure of...
Pu Peo ethnic group and its unique characters

Pu Peo ethnic group and its unique characters

(VOVworld) – The Pu Peo is one of Vietnam’s 54 ethnic groups living in the northern mountain province of Ha Giang. Today’s VOV’s “Colorful Vietnam, Vietnam’s 54 ethnic...