Hanoi launches first safe tour in new normal

Hanoi launches first safe tour in new normal

(VOVWORLD) - The “French architecture in the heart of Hanoi” walking tour was launched by the Vietnam National Museum of History and Hanoitourist Corporation last month. Tours will be conducted every...
Hang market – where tradition competes with modernity

Hang market – where tradition competes with modernity

(VOVWORLD) - In the middle of the bustling shops and supermarkets of Hai Phong city stands Hang wet market, typical of Vietnam’s northern countryside. There, buyers can find seedlings, breeding animals, home furniture...
Learning adapts to COVID-19 pandemic

Learning adapts to COVID-19 pandemic

(VOVWORLD) - Because many localities have continued to impose social distancing rules to prevent the spread of COVID-19, a new academic year has begun online. Teachers and pupils interact with each...
Fund-raising online reaches out to more donors

Fund-raising online reaches out to more donors

(VOVWORLD) - Appeals for donations are circulating all over the Internet amid the most devastating wave of the COVID-19 pandemic so far. In Vietnam, funds are being raised for medical equipment, vaccines, cooling jackets for health workers,...
Wednesday June 23, 2021

Wednesday June 23, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - First of all we’d like to thank all our listeners for your best wishes and congratulations for VOV’s staff on Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day, June 21. Here...
Children protected in pandemic

Children protected in pandemic

(VOVWORLD) - In the past years, the Vietnamese Party and State and society have paid special attention to the care and education of children considering it a top priority in ensuring social security...
Wednesday May 19, 2021

Wednesday May 19, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - Today is May 19, when Vietnamese people at home and overseas celebrate the 131st birthday of President Ho Chi Minh