World welcomes 2018

World welcomes 2018

(VOVWORLD) - The world rang in 2018 with spectacular celebrations. The Pacific islands of Samoa, Tonga, and Kiribati were the first to welcome the New Year, followed by New Zealand. Thousands of locals...
Seoul considers proposing inter-Korean military talks

Seoul considers proposing inter-Korean military talks

(VOVWORLD) - The South Korean government is considering holding inter-Korean military talks with its northern neighbour in early 2018 providing that Pyongyang not conduct additional missile and nuclear provocations
North Korea is invited to 2018 Winter Olympics

North Korea is invited to 2018 Winter Olympics

(VOVworld) - North Koreans will be allowed to travel to South Korea for the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics if they wish to take part. Lee Duk-haeng, spokesman for South Korea’s Unification...
Threats on Korean peninsula

Threats on Korean peninsula

(VOVworld)- The US and the Republic of Korea this week began an annual joint military drill called “Ulchi Freedom Guardian” despite warnings from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea....