Fourth of July holiday

Fourth of July holiday

(VOVWORLD) -Americans will consume about 150 million hot dogs on the Fourth of July. For many of them, 4th of July is just an excuse to relax in the sun, toss back a...
French wine etiquette

French wine etiquette

(VOVWORLD) - Welcome to another edition of VOV247’s Culture Rendezvous. We’re having Antoine Brochet, who is back to share with us more about French wine, including how to read a French wine...
“Pho” Cocktail

“Pho” Cocktail

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam’s iconic Pho is well-known around the world. It’s served for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. But in today’s Food Delight, we’re not talking about the traditional noodle soup, but a “Pho”...
US-China trade tension sees no end

US-China trade tension sees no end

(VOVWORLD) -US President Donald Trump threatened to impose a 10 percent tariff on 200 billion USD of Chinese goods, in retaliation against Beijing’s early decision to raise taxes on American...
Poacher turns forest ranger

Poacher turns forest ranger

(VOVWORLD) - A poacher who rehabilitated himself to become a forest ranger is a true story in Hanh Rac hamlet, Ninh Thuan province. Katơr Kinh was sent to prison for illegal logging....
SEA Games 29: Second medal in archery for Vietnam

SEA Games 29: Second medal in archery for Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnamese female archers pocketed another silver medal on Thursday after missing out to Malaysian athletes in the women’s team compound category at the 29th Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games...