Tet in Vietnam’s southwestern islands

Tet in Vietnam’s southwestern islands

(VOVworld) – Yellow apricot blossoms and young green buds have begun to show in Vietnam’s southwestern islands, signaling the approach of the Lunar New Year and spring. Navy Zone 5...
Japan launches new satellite

Japan launches new satellite

Japan has launched a domestically produced H-2A rocket carrying a No.4 radar satellite and an optical probe for intelligence gathering
Hero Pham Tuan shot down B52 Stratofortress

Hero Pham Tuan shot down B52 Stratofortress

(VOVworld) – In the history of the Vietnamese Air Force, heroic pilot Pham Tuan grabbed two records by shooting down an American B52 bomber in 1972 and becoming the 1st Asian cosmonaut to...
Tensions on the Korean Peninsula

Tensions on the Korean Peninsula

(VOVworld) - The Korean Peninsula has become tense since the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea announced the imminent launch of a long-range rocket carrying on earth-observation satellite. With international...
Syria faces new challenges

Syria faces new challenges

(VOVworld) – Turkey on Monday accused Syria of opening fire on a second Turkish plane that was searching for the wreckage of a jet earlier shot down by Syria. The move has...
Syria pledges neighborhood relationship with Turkey

Syria pledges neighborhood relationship with Turkey

(VOVworld) – Syrian airforce immediately responded to a Turkish plane flying at an altitude of 100 meters within Syrian airspace in violation of Syrian territory. Syrian Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson Jihad Makdissi made this statement on...
Chicago Summit – a meeting of commitments

Chicago Summit – a meeting of commitments

(VOV) – The 2-day summit in Chicago ended on Monday. Some major agreements were reached on the hand-over process in Afghanistan, the deployment of the EU missile defense shield,...
Kwangmyongsong 3- a burning issue

Kwangmyongsong 3- a burning issue

(VOVworld)- Japan, South Korea and the US have over the past few days strongly reacted to North Korea’s decision to launch an earth observation satellite- the Kwangmyongsong 3 despite assurance...
Tet atmosphere on Con Co island

Tet atmosphere on Con Co island

It has become a tradition that every year, ahortly before Tet or the lunar New Year Festival begins, the C-region Naval Command visits people and soldiers stationed in Con Co...
Iran seeks new anti-US allies

Iran seeks new anti-US allies

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is on a tour of 4 Latin American countries. In the context of tensions between Iran and the US due to recent heavy sanctions, the visit...