Yemen peace talks resumes in Kuwait

Yemen peace talks resumes in Kuwait

(VOVworld) – The UN Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed on Saturday urged warring parties in Yemen to take definitive decisions that demonstrate to the Yemeni people the sincerity...
Brexit delay in the UK

Brexit delay in the UK

(VOVworld)- Despite the clear result of the referendum on Brexit on June 23, British politicians and public are not yet ready to leave the EU. The UK is experiencing one...
Vietnam’s economy reduces dependence on ODA

Vietnam’s economy reduces dependence on ODA

(VOVworld) – Vietnam has successfully attracted and effectively used official development assistance (ODA) capital resources. From a poor country, Vietnam has become a middle-income country. But the achievement also presents...
Mission of print media and radio

Mission of print media and radio

(VOVworld)- On a busy “information highway”, the only way for print media and radio need to maintain their position is to adapt
Austria adopts tough refugee laws

Austria adopts tough refugee laws

(VOVworld) - The Austrian parliament on Wednesday adopted one of Europe’s toughest refugee laws, allowing the government to declare a state of emergency if the number of migrants threatens “national security...
The 12th National Radio Festival opens

The 12th National Radio Festival opens

(VOVworld) – The 12th National Radio Festival themed “Multi-platform modern broadcasting” opened on Wednesday night in Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa province
Efforts for peace in Syria stalled

Efforts for peace in Syria stalled

(VOVworld) – The Syrian opposition has withdrawn from peace talks in Geneva due to what it calls the deteriorating security and humanitarian situation in Syria. This has stalled efforts to...
Israel refuses to withdraw from Golan Heights

Israel refuses to withdraw from Golan Heights

(VOVworld) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that Israel will never withdraw from the Golan Heights and the strategic plateau bordering Syria will forever belong to Israelis
Iran refuses talks on missiles program

Iran refuses talks on missiles program

(VOVworld) - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Sunday that Iran’s missile program is not open to any form of negotiations because it is a national defense issue
Belgium tense following terror attacks

Belgium tense following terror attacks

(VOVworld)- Belgium and Europe in general are now tense following 3 terrorist bombings on March 22 at Zaventem airport and Maelbeek metro station in Brussels. 31 people died and 300...
Iraq retakes several towns from IS

Iraq retakes several towns from IS

(VOVworld) – Iraqi militants retreated from several western Iraqi towns and towards the Syrian border on Sunday as security forces worked their way up the Euphrates Valley