Syrian army retakes west Palmyra from IS

Syrian army retakes west Palmyra from IS

(VOVworld) – Syrian government soldiers have made “tangible” military progress in the al-Biyarat area of western Palmyra and reopened a major supply route for oil and gas to Damascus
Inter-Libyan peace dialogue resumes in Algeria

Inter-Libyan peace dialogue resumes in Algeria

(VOVworld) - Inter-Libyan peace dialogue resumed on Wednesday in Algerian capital of Algiers in a new attempt to bridge the gap between antagonists in the north African nation which has...
Southern-style Vietnamese gardens in Hawaii, US

Southern-style Vietnamese gardens in Hawaii, US

(VOVworld) – Lines of straight areca-nut trees, verdant betel trellises, sweet-smelling jackfruits, and bushes of lushy piper lolot, which are typical images in a garden in Vietnam’s southern region,...
Yemen refuses Iran mediation

Yemen refuses Iran mediation

(VOVworld) - Yemini Foreign Minister Riyadh Yassin on Monday rejected Iran’s offer to mediate the crisis in Yemen and urged Houthi rebels to surrender
Crop restructuring reduces poverty in Bac Kan

Crop restructuring reduces poverty in Bac Kan

(VOVworld) – In recent years, farmers in Bac Kan province have paid much attention to developing fruit orchards, with priority given to growing oranges and mandarins, fruits famous for being sweet and succulent...
Serbia, Albania conflict over Kosovo

Serbia, Albania conflict over Kosovo

(VOVworld) – Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama sparked a flareup by Serbia’s Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic over the independence of Kosovo, which was a province of Serbia until 2008