Great national unity promoted in general election

Great national unity promoted in general election

(VOVWORLD) - The 1st general election of Vietnam’s National Assembly was held on June 6, 1946, under the principles of democracy, equality, direct universal suffrage, and secrete ballots. The National...
Vietnam backs UN-OIF cooperation

Vietnam backs UN-OIF cooperation

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam, as a member of both the UN and the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF), always support the cooperation between the two bodies, said Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy,...
Wednesday November 21, 2018

Wednesday November 21, 2018

(VOVWORLD) - After learning of torrential rains and floods in Khanh Hoa province, Jayanta Chakrabarty of India told us: “I am deeply pained to hear about the Toraji storm which devasted...
Instability in Spain goes against EU’s ideology

Instability in Spain goes against EU’s ideology

(VOVWORLD) - Preliminary results of Catalonia’s referendum have shown 90% in favour of independence. Although the referendum is widely considered unconstitutional and invalid, Catalonia’s wish to leave Spain has...
Syrian peace talks: negative signs

Syrian peace talks: negative signs

(VOVworld) – The UN Security Council has approved a resolution on a cease fire in Syria, mediated by Russia, Turkey, and Iran. It paves the way for a peace talks scheduled to take place in Astana, the capital...
Improving business environment for enterprises to develop

Improving business environment for enterprises to develop

(VOVworld) – The Vietnamese government has paid much attention to improving the business environment, considering it a long-term task to help domestic enterprises increase competitiveness. The improved business environment will help...
Lessons from Vietnam war

Lessons from Vietnam war

(VOVworld) – US Secretary of State John Kerry spoke at a seminar on the Vietnam war called the Vietnam War Summit in Texas on Thursday
Israel, Turkey hold talks to restore ties

Israel, Turkey hold talks to restore ties

(VOVworld)- Talks between Turkey and Israel to mend fences are going well but a deal has not yet been reached in efforts to improve relations and increase energy cooperation in...