Rising tensions on Korean peninsula

Rising tensions on Korean peninsula

(VOVworld) – North Korea’s missile exploded on Sunday, on the 105th birth anniversary of founder Kim Il-sung amid fierce exchanges of bitter words between Pyongyang and Washington. Many people...
France rules out military intervention in Libya

France rules out military intervention in Libya

(VOVworld) – On Friday French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault ruled out launching air strikes or sending ground troops to tackle Islamic State in Libya but said France can help secure...
North Korea slams US-South Korea joint drills

North Korea slams US-South Korea joint drills

(VOVworld) – On Sunday, North Korea slammed US-South Korea joint military drills which will beginning Monday, and said Washington will be held accountable for “igniting war” on the Korean peninsula
Russia’s planes in Syria safely return to base

Russia’s planes in Syria safely return to base

(VOVworld)- The Russian defence ministry said on Friday all its planes in Syria had safely returned to base and all its drones were operating “as planned” after Turkish warplanes shot down...
US deploys drones to Latvia

US deploys drones to Latvia

(VOVworld) - The US military has deployed two MQ-1 Predator reconnaissance drones and 70 airmen to Latvia on a training mission as part of US efforts to reassure European allies...