PM meets Vietnamese community in Hungary

PM meets Vietnamese community in Hungary

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh met with staff members of the Vietnamese Embassy and representatives from the Vietnamese community in Hungary on Friday, as part of his official visit...
100 records of Hue royal court on display

100 records of Hue royal court on display

(VOVWORLD) - 100 records of the Royal Court of the Nguyen emperors plus documents and pictures related to the construction of the Hue Imperial City are on display at an outdoor...
Vietnamese animation company sets two records

Vietnamese animation company sets two records

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese animation studio Sconnect has officially been recognized for two records in the fields of animated film copyrights and multilingual distribution on digital platforms, marking the first time...
Hue Festival 2024 to run thoughout the year

Hue Festival 2024 to run thoughout the year

(VOVWORLD) - Hue Festival 2024 will run throughout the year with outstanding events, including the Spring Festival, the Summer Festival, the Autumn Festival, and the Winter Festival, along with hundreds of other...
Vietnam ready for a “big game”

Vietnam ready for a “big game”

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has prepared the necessary infrastructure and conditions and is ready to develop the semiconductor industry, says Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung. The central government and...